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Four Workshops on Financial Management & USAID Rules/Regulations, Dubai, Humentum
This is a featured organizational post on PCDN Four Workshops in Dubai Humentum Workshop Dubai, UAE March 4-12 Join us in Dubai this March for an overview of the USAID rules and regulations, financial management, subaward management, and assessing your partner’s finances. We look forward to putting on this diverse range of workshops in Dubai. See you there!
Find out more »Mobile Phone Based Data Collection Using ODK and Mapping Training (5th – 9th, March, 2018, Nairobi Kenya)
INTRODUCTION Mobile Phone Based Data Collection using ODK has been acknowledged world-wide by researchers, non-governmental organizations, relief agencies and health ministries among other organization as very useful and convenient data collection method substituting paper based data collection method. This training will equip participants with the ability to put in place all the pieces required for a mobile data collection system. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This is a general training targeting participants undertaking projects, surveys, programs or other related activities which involves…
Find out more »Transitional Justice (Online Course)
Transitional Justice 2 credits / 6 weeks 5 Mar 2018 – 13 Apr 2018 Professor Miriam Estrada-Castillo Over the past decades, transitional justice has emerged as an interdisciplinary field of research and practice that aims to understand and advance a complex range of goals, from strengthening democratic transitions and peacebuilding processes to enabling reconciliation. The objective of this Course is twofold: to analyse the mechanisms and trends of transitional justice in the UN post-conflict peacebuilding processes, and to clarify some…
Find out more »Global Governance (Online Course)
Global Governance 2 credits / 6 weeks 5 Mar 2018 – 13 Apr 2018 Professor Mihir Kanade The contemporary global order is founded upon the principle of sovereignty of States and non-interference in each other’s domestic affairs. At the same time, there is an ever-increasing push for ‘global governance’ as the key to resolving issues of common concern to humanity, especially those which are transboundary in nature. But how should global governance work in the absence of a global government?…
Find out more »Training on Data Processing using Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) (5th to 9th, March, 2018) Kenya
INTRODUCTION The data processing is responsible for manual editing and coding of questionnaires, data entry, computer editing and tabulation of products like the population database for all Surveys and Censuses. The data processing division has established its editing, coding and data entry in different spaces of place. The Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) is a tool for entering, editing, tabulating and disseminating data from surveys and censuses. This training is very practical consisting of demonstrations, practical exercises and tests.…
Find out more »International Law, Borders and Conflicts (Online course)
International Law, Borders and Conflicts 2 credits / 6 weeks 5 Mar 2018 - 13 Apr 2018 Professor Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo Establishing limits between sovereignty states and its management between neighboring countries, constitutes today an unlimited source of tensions and conflicts around the world. The course provides an historical overview of the legal methods of establishing limits and the way international community deals with these situations around the globe, including law of the sea, international rivers, lakes and the International…
Find out more »Security Sector Reform (Online course)
Security Sector Reform 2 credits / 6 weeks 5 Mar 2018 - 13 Apr 2018 Professor Manish Thapa This course provides a basic introduction to the concept of “Security Sector Reform” (SSR) which is widely recognized as a vital component of building sustainable peace in societies in post-conflict contexts. Such reform is necessary to enhance the security and safety of people and for preventing emerging or recurring crises and conflicts. Through a critical analysis of policies, procedures, programs, activities and…
Find out more »ICT for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Reporting Course
Event: ICT for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Reporting Course Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya Event Date: 05th – 09th March 2018. NITA CERTIFIED RECENT CLIENTS INTRODUCTION HIV/AIDS surveillance and reporting enhances efforts to prevent HIV transmission, improve the allocation of resources for treatment services, and assist in evaluating the impact of public health interventions. This course will provide training in new methods, techniques and best practices related to effective reporting data on AIDS cases, new infections, and behavior…
Find out more »Introduction to VBA Programming Course
Event: Introduction to VBA Programming Course Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya Event Date: 05th – 09th March 2018. NITA CERTIFIED RECENT CLIENTS INTRODUCTION Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. VBA language has been integrated with Excel in order to have programming features which enables the developers to handle the data manipulation along with Excel function very easily. VBA is good for developing reporting systems in a capital markets environment…
Find out more »Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation with MS Projects Course
Event: Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation with MS Projects Course Venue: Indepth Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya. Event Date: 05th – 09th March 2018. NITA CERTIFIED RECENT CLIENTS INTRODUCTION There is increasing demand from multilateral agencies, funding bodies as well as boards of private companies for a strong demonstration that projects are being monitored and evaluated effectively. Effective project monitoring allows a project team to make appropriate decisions on a day-to-day basis and ensures that projects are carried out as planned and modified…
Find out more »GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course
Event: GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course Venue: Indepth Research Services, Mombasa, Kenya. Event Date: 05th – 09th March 2018. NITA CERTIFIED RECENT CLIENTS INTRODUCTION Epidemiology seeks to determine associations between exposure risk and disease that are spatially dependent. Public health focuses on the health of populations rather than of individuals and focuses more on prevention of health problems. These efforts fall naturally within the domain of problems requiring use of spatial analysis as part…
Find out more »GIS and Remote Sensing For Climate Change Impact Analysis and Adaptation Course
Event: GIS and Remote Sensing For Climate Change Impact Analysis and Adaptation Course Venue: Indepth Research Services, Mombasa, Kenya. Event Date: 05th – 09th March 2018. NITA CERTIFIED RECENT CLIENTS INTRODUCTION This training will offer a set of methods and techniques that use GIS and Remote Sensing for analysis and monitoring of climate change, with applications in climate change impacts and adaptation. Participants’ will also acquire a better understanding of climate change impacts, adaptation measures for freshwater resources,…
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