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New Training Resources from Inclusive Security, that integrate content modules about peace and security with skills modules that equip advocates to advance a concrete agenda for change

Home Forums Education and Teaching Related to Peace, Conflict and Development New Training Resources from Inclusive Security, that integrate content modules about peace and security with skills modules that equip advocates to advance a concrete agenda for change

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    Profile photo of Craig Zelizer
    Craig Zelizer

    Training Resources

    (This is a featured organizational post)

    Photo: World Bank

    Our training resources integrate content modules about peace and security with skills modules that equip advocates to advance a concrete agenda for change.

    Informed by experience

    Our materials draw on 15 years of experience facilitating and advocating in some of the most difficult circumstances in the world. We developed these resources based on what we learned in hundreds of trainings we conducted.

    Grounded in adult learning

    We set out to create practical, flexible guidance on how to build skills and knowledge using interactive methodologies rooted in principles of adult learning. We created case studies, simulations, exercises, and videos to make the material accessible to people with a range of learning styles.

    Tailored for conflict areas

    Our materials fill a gap for practitioners and trainers. While there are many resources on policy advocacy, very few are geared toward advocates working in conflict areas to make peace and security decision-making more inclusive.

    Skills Modules

    The Advocacy for Inclusive Security Curriculum, published in 2017, captures the core of our skills curriculum. Its nine modules offer a step-by-step, strategic framework for designing and executing high-impact advocacy strategies.

    Click wedges on the image to explore the advocacy cycle.

    Introduction to Advocacy

    Here’s our approach to advocacy, along with a conceptual framework for thinking strategically about collective action. This module explores examples of how women have mobilized for peace and security, as well as the reasons why women’s inclusion matters.

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    The Curriculum User Guide

    This user guide serves as a roadmap for using the nine advocacy modules. It provides an overview of Inclusive Security’s approach to training, including best practices and guidance on workshop design, as well as sample agendas.

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    Download All Skills Modules & User Guide

    Content Modules

    Our content modules are designed to make technical knowledge on peace and security accessible and practical. These six modules are from Inclusive Security: A Curriculum for Women Waging Peace, published in 2009, and each includes a curriculum guide, lecture notes, and activity sheets.

    Peace Negotiations and Agreements

    Women remain largely excluded from formal negotiations despite attempts to participate and international policies that explicitly call for women’s involvement. This module provides an overview of the phases, actors, and elements of a peace process to help identify opportunities for women’s inclusion. Expanding the list of parties who participate in formal negotiations and buttressing informal efforts to bridge divides are critical steps toward sustainable peace.

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    Post-Conflict Reconstruction

    Reconstruction focuses on rebuilding social, political, and economic institutions. This module covers the role of international actors in post-conflict reconstruction as well as entry points for women to influence that work.

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    Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration

    The process of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) moves a society from war to peace. It covers the removal of arms from fighting forces (disarmament), the disbanding of military formations (demobilization), and the reintegration of combatants in their communities. This material explores how DDR often overlooks women and strategies to improve efforts.

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    Transitional Justice

    This module focuses on the short-term judicial and non-judicial mechanisms that address the legacy of human rights abuses and violence during a society’s transition away from conflict or authoritarian rule. The material focuses on justice issues that affect women and the roles women can play.

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    Legislation Affecting Women

    Countries emerging from war often must rewrite their constitutions, rethink their legal codes, and rework their judicial processes. This module considers how legislation affects women and the ways it incorporates women’s rights or addresses their priorities. It also touches on how women as legislators, government officials, or members of civil society influence legislation.

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    Democracy and Government

    The purpose of this module is to unpack the elements of “good governance,” which include democratization, free and fair elections, political parties, civil society, and principles of accountability. The module explores the barriers that can block full participation of women in democracies.

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    Learn More

    One of the core elements of Inclusive Security’s programming has been to build the capacity of civil society and government actors to meaningfully affect the outcomes of peace processes.

    Learn About Our Approach to Training

    Additional Training Material

    Inclusive Security, Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action is a resource for women peacebuilders and practitioners. It was co-published by Inclusive Security and International Alert in 2004 and covers four content areas: conflict prevention, resolution, and reconstruction; security issues; justice, governance, and civil society; and protecting vulnerable groups. The toolkit outlines the components of peacebuilding and describes how women are affected by and contribute to peacemaking and security.

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