Calling all peacebuilders and peace advocates from all walks of life!
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) is now accepting applicants for its 15th Annual Peacebuilding Training which will be begin on May 12, 2014, in Davao City, Philippines.
MPI is an Asian Training Institute that brings together a wide range of people with experience, knowledge and skills in peace-related work from across the Asia-Pacific Region and other parts of the world. For over 14 years, MPI has trained 1,753 peacebuilders coming from more than 42 countries.
Now is your chance to be part of our growing network.
Share, learn, and enhance your knowledge and skills in courses that explore major themes and cutting-edge debates in conflict transformation, peace education, active non-violence, interfaith dialogue, restorative justice, and gender and peace. These intensive courses are taught by a distinguished roster of facilitators from Asia-Pacific and other countries. You may choose to enroll for one, two or three weeks.
For MPI 2014, we are offering three new courses – From Understanding to Action: Theories and Tools for Designing Effective Peace and Development Interventions in Fragile and Unpredictable Situations; Conflict Sensitive Economic Governance: Peace-Enabling Approaches in Complex and Fragile Contexts; and Resource-Based Conflict: Indigenous People’s Perspectives and Approaches (Field-Based Course).
The deadline for the receipt of applications is on March 31, 2014.
To top it all, take the opportunity to experience the multi-cultural people and captivating nature of Davao City!
For more information on the courses, trainers, application and fees, please follow this link: Training Information and Application.
Don’t forget to pass it on!