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Calls For Application: Caux Scholars Program – Asia Plateau, India

Home Forums Scholarship, Fellowship Opportunities and Academic Programs Calls For Application: Caux Scholars Program – Asia Plateau, India

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  • #126426
    Profile photo of Jitka Hromek-Vaitla
    Jitka Hromek-Vaitla

    This is a sponsored organizational post on PCDN

    The Caux Scholars Program-Asia Plateau (CSP-AP) is accepting applications for our winter peacebuilding program in India.

    CSP-AP is a three-week peacebuilding and sustainable development course. It invites youth leaders, community organizers, and scholars from different countries and cultural backgrounds to learn and experience the integration of sustainable development and peacebuilding, including issues such as trauma healing, human rights, gender issues, restorative justice, and non-violent action. It teaches students how to be peacebuilders in every facet of their lives.

    The program’s home is in Asia Plateau in Panchgani, India – a center for introspection and dialogue – is an international conference center for Initiatives of Change.

    The cornerstone of CSP’s curriculum is highlighting the need for personal transformation in order to find true reconciliation & sustainable solutions to conflicts. CSP-AP aims to instill principled leadership by focusing on introspection and personal understanding, and interfaith and intercultural experiences. In addition to theoretical approaches to conflict, peace and development, the program aims to develop practical
    skills in negotiation, building local capacity, applied theater in peacebuilding, community mobilization, and understanding cultures.
    Twenty students from around the world are selected for this three-week course. The program includes approximately 40 hours of academic classes, seven hours per week of “Service for Leadership” practical work, field trips, and participation in the Asia Plateau events.

    We are looking for committed students and young professionals from all continents and diverse backgrounds who will benefit tomorrow’s peacebuilders. You may read testimonials of 2016/17 class here.

    The application deadline is September 2, 2017.

    Applicant Requirements:

    – Be between the ages of 18 and 35
    – Have a high level of academic achievement
    – Demonstrate leadership qualities and commitment to public or community service
    – Exhibit interest in the ethical dimensions of world affairs
    – Possess openness to a multi-cultural learning experience
    – Two letters of recommendation
    – 500-word essay describing why you would like to participate in this program
    – Online application form

    Contact for more information.


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