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I’m currently looking for Liberian NGOs based in Monrovia, particularly focused on working in peacebuilding

Home Forums Non-Governmental Organizations I’m currently looking for Liberian NGOs based in Monrovia, particularly focused on working in peacebuilding

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Craig Zelizer Craig Zelizer 2 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #125149
    Profile photo of Stacia George
    Stacia George

    I’m currently looking for Liberian NGOs based in Monrovia, particularly focused on working in peacebuilding. If you are interested or know someone, please send me an e-mail at Thanks! Stacia

    Profile photo of Craig Zelizer
    Craig Zelizer

    Hi Stacia

    We’ve sent this out widely on our channels and to few key people. Feel free to send me more info directly more on the context and can see who else would recommend.


    A few key people would recommend include:

    first you can search by country on PCDN and using Liberia we have 344 members, see

    Raymond Da-Boi, Cuttington University,

    Dr. Erin McCandless

    Peace Direct

    West African Network for Peacebuilding

    Search for Common Ground

    Rotary Peace Fellows Alumni

    Susan Shepler, AU




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