Can you make a living and change the world or change the world and make a living?
Talk by Dr. Craig Zelizer, Founder of the Peace and Collaborative Development Network ( and Associate Director of the Conflict Resolution Program at Georgetown University (
Distinguished Alumni Convocation Speaker
School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
George Mason University
May 19, 2012
Dr. Craig Zelizer is the Associate Director of the MA in Conflict Resolution within the Department of Government at Georgetown University and Founder of the Peace and Collaborative Development Network. His areas of expertise include working with youth from violent conflict regions, civil society development and capacity building in transitional societies, program evaluation and design, conflict sensitivity and conflict mainstreaming, the connection between trauma and conflict, the role of the private sector in peacebuilding, and arts and peacebuilding. He has published several articles, and co-edited the book Building Peace, Practical Reflections from the Field (Kumarian Press, 2009). He is currently working on an edited textbook on Integrated Peacebuilding (forthcoming 2013).
Over the past twenty years he has helped to guide thousands of people to find their passion and career opportunities in social change through the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, teaching, through workshops and talks around the world, and also innovative research. For more on Dr. Zelizer see