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Community Guide: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About How to Use PCDN SITE Features/Manage Your Account

Thank you for visiting the Collaborative Peace and Development Networking. In using this site you’re agreement to the Terms of Use below (since this PCDN is an open network indexed by Google please also read carefully the privacy settings options). Please also see below for the community guide about how to use the site and the various features.

To access the Peace and Collaborative Development Network on your mobile devices, go the following address This format provides an easier to navigate format that permits faster browsing on portable devices.


USER AGREEMENTThis site is provided as a public service. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that information uploaded to the site does not violate any copyright laws. By registering for the site you agree to use it at your own risk and in no way is the manager responsible for the content posted on the site. Any users who post photos or other copyrighted material without permission may have their account terminated without warning. This website may include chat rooms, and forums available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information as Google indexes the site (it is possible to adjust who can view your profile /postings by logging in and clicking on my settings/privacy). However, we are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums or if they are indexed by Internet Search engines. If your profile is set to be viewable than it is likely your information can show up on a Google Search.

This site also runs on the NING Platform and you are agreeing to the NING TERMS OF SERVICE

You agree not to upload, distribute, or publish through forums on this website any content that is or may be, in whole or in part: false, unlawful, criminal, libelous, defamatory, slanderous, profane, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening, inappropriate, unprofessional, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable, racist, sexist, promoting or soliciting for commercial purposes, containing any known viruses or bugs, promoting or soliciting for criminal purposes, violates the rights of any party, or otherwise creates liability or violates any law. You shall remain solely liable for the content of any posting by you on this website. The Peace and Collaborative Development Network has no obligation to monitor the forums. However, we reserve the right to review materials posted to the forums and to remove any in its sole discretion. Anyone who violates these principles may have their account terminated.
In addition, users are strongly encouraged to double check any information posted on the site to ensure it is valid and from a legitimate source. The PCDN network is only providing an information service to users and does not bear any responsibility for the accuracy or legitimacy of individual postings (Posting on the site does not an endorsement from PCDN). It is the individual user’s responsibility to decide to explore information provided on this site and users are encouraged to exercise caution and do a thorough investigation of any opportunities (particularly if financial resources are involved). Users are strongly recommended to not provide any financial resources to participate in an opportunities without a thorough investigation to ensure the legitimacy of the organization/opportunity. If you see a posting that seems dubious or fraudulent in nature please use caution in responding and also contact the site manager so it can be removed. Any user posting fraudulent opportunities will be permanently banned from the site.

While we encourage postings and discussions of difficult topics related to conflict related issues around the world, which may often lead to strong disagreements, we do not allow postings of personal attacks on the site. Moreover, while individuals are also encouraged to discuss their respective faiths, this is not a site for proselytizing. Individuals who post personal attacks or engage in proselytizing will have their accounts terminated.

For information on how to POST ON THE SITE see the Guide to Posting Materials

Note if you would like to learn more how organizations and institutions can benefit from the site, see the Guide for Organizations.


You’re especially encouraged to read item # 12 about the new groups and chat/instant messaging features, # 13 about the new events calendar, and #16 (see below) about privacy to make sure you’re not posting inappropriate information on the site. In addition please see item # 7 about appropriate use of the network. If you have a question that is not answered please feel free to contact me and/or consult the Ning help center.

1) HOW DO I REGISTER FOR THE SITE? To register for the site go to

2) ARE THERE ARE ANY FEES FOR USING THE SITE? As the largest network focused on peace and development in the world, we rely on support from you to cover our many operating costs including hosting, site development, staff, outreach, new initiatives including expanding interviews, new resource guides, outreach, increasing membership, exploring online webinars and much more. We do offer a free membership option (see below), but strongly encourage everyone to make a payment (in whatever amount you can afford to support PCDN. See more details below.)

2a) How can I tell when my membership expires? Click My Settings on the Right Hand Side the Page (after you have logged in, see sample below).


Then click on profile and go to the bottom of the page. Go to the bottom of the page. There you can see PCDN membership and the expiration date. There is also a space to click renew and follow the steps (see sample below).

renew2b) How do I make a payment? You can make a payment through the renew option at the bottom of the profile page by following the steps outlined above. You will be brought to the membership page and you can choose the payment option you prefer (or free account) as can be seen below.


Payments can also be made via the donate link on the Support Page

2c) How much should I pay? We leave this decision up to each person/organization, but urge you to consider the impact of PCDN in your work/life.

2d) What happens if I cannot make a payment?
Our goal is to keep PCDN accessible to all, but we do urge you to consider making a payment. If this is not possible please follow the steps below:

  • a) Please wait until your account has expired (do not attempt to renew/request free request prior to this)
    b) Sign out of PCDN and then sign back in (this step is important)
    c) Once you log back in, the Payment Page should show up (again only if your account has already expired).
    d) Follow the steps and choose 0 for payment
    e) If this doesn’t work, send us an email at info(at) with the following details:
  • Your name, email address and if your account is expired (please do not submit a free renewal request if your account is currently valid)
  • Confirm that you have tried to renew online but the option to choose 0 in the payment system was not available
  • Provide a brief (2-3) sentences explanation for the request.

2e) How long is membership? Membership in PCDN is for 12 months. After that time you will be required to renew your membership (again a free option is available for those unable to pay).

2f) I have already made a payment, but my membership hasn’t been extended? We have tried to ensure all accounts are up to date, but if you run into problems please contact us at info(at)

3) Terms of Use – See Above

4) HOW CAN I FIND INFORMATION ON THE SITE? The site has a wealth of information and you’re encouraged to look through older postings as there is only a limited amount of information that can fit on the main page (which changes almost daily). In particular you can find hundreds of scholarship opportunities, learn about research projects, conferences and more by looking around the site. Users can cearch the entire network via Google search by keyword. This function can be accessed on the middle of the PCDN Home page via the Google Search Box. Searches can be done by keywords (such as scholarships, funding, Ph.D., conflict resolution, international development, specific organizations, etc.) and results (from the entire site) will be displayed almost instantly.

Each sub-page also has a search box (forums, blogs, events, etc.) that can be used (although the results from the Google Search on the Main page will usually be more reliable). In addition, members can find relevant information by clicking on the various sub-headings such as Members, Forums, etc (and clicking on topics within pages). Also on some pages on the site (such as on the forums) tags are included (keywords of frequent postings) where members can click and see all postings with the same tag.

4b) ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH Recently we added an ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH FUNCTION where you can search for members using the following categories

  • NAME

To access the ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH CLICK on MEMBERS and Advanced Search.

5) HOW DO I CREATE/EDIT A PROFILE? To adjust your profile click on My Settings and then About ME in the upper right hand corner of each page. A few of the profile questions are required to provide basic information about members. The more information you provide about your work/studies related to the field, the easier it will be to connect with other members, thus you’re encouraged to complete the optional questions.

6) WILL I RECEIVE E-MAILS IF I JOIN THE SITE? As a member of the site you’re in control of your account settings. Click on My Settings and then on E-mail. You can then choose receive no e-mails or establish customized settings (such as receiving e-mail notices when someone sends you a message. Note at the bottom of each forum or discussion posting you will see a place to click on Follow (Email me when people reply). Click here and you will receive an email letting you know when there is a new posting. At anytime you can return to the page and click on Stop Following (Don’t email when people reply). See also point 23 for more information on email settings.

7) HOW CAN I CREATE/CONTRIBUTE TO A BLOG/DISCUSSION? To contribute to a discussion click on Forum and pick a topic that interests you. You can create your own topic by clicking on start a discussion or respond to any of the postings by clicking on reply to this. To start your own blog go to My Page and click on Add a New Blog Post. Please note that postings on the site should focus on general topics of the site (conflict resolution, development, human rights, gender, etc.).

Postings that are inappropriate or of a commercial nature will be deleted and a user may be banned from the network. While you’re encouraged to post information on your work, this site is not for fundraising requests (as the site would be deluged). Therefore please do not post individual requests for funding (see other sites that may be helpful in this regard such as Global Giving or Charity Channel .

7a) HOW DO I EDIT A POSTING? Once an item is posted it can be edited at anytime by clicking on the posting. The click on the options link and follow the prompts.

8) WHAT HAPPENS IF A SEE INAPPROPRIATE POSTINGS OR RECEIVE UNWANTED E-MAILS? This is a site to encourage open interaction between members. However if a member posts offensive and/or inappropriate material (including personal job solicitations) the member may be banned.

While we encourage postings and discussions of difficult topics related to conflict related issues around the world, which may often lead to strong disagreements, we do not allow postings of personal attacks on the site. Moreover, while individuals are also encouraged to discuss their respective faiths, this is not a site for proselytizing. Individuals who post personal attacks or engage in proselytizing will have their accounts terminated. Also while, this is network is designed to promote open interaction, please do not place blind generic postings/comments across multiple user profiles or send unsolicited spam to members. If anyone does violate this policy you may be banned from the network. You can also block communication from individual users if you so choose. Please free to contact me if you have questions/concerns about something on the site.

9) CAN I POST INDIVIDUAL FUNDING OR JOB REQUESTS ON THE SITE? Individuals are not allowed to post their individual requests related to their job or funding searches on the site. Anyone posting such requests may be banned. There are many resources related to jobs and funding on the site, but if we allowed such individual requests the site would be deluged. There is discussion section where users can talk about strategies for career searching. In addition see the career resources section (including guides to jobs, internships and academic jobs) with links to relevant websites and publications.

10) WHAT IS A TAG? A tag is a one or two keyword description that you are encouraged to add to any postings you make on the site (pictures, blogs, forums, etc.). Tags are a simple and easy way to make searching easier by keyword. You can also click on any tagged items and view other postings with similar keywords. If you would like to make a tag longer than one word, please put it in quotes. For example the tag “conflict resolution” should be in quotes.

11) CAN I HAVE MY BLOG DISPLAY ON OTHER WEBSITES? Yes. Click on the bottom of your blog on RSS and you can then add it to other websites. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication a simple way of providing news feeds from websites.

2a) WHAT IS A GROUP? We have recently added a group feature which allows users to setup subgroups around themes of interest. A group can be set as an open network (meaning anyone can join) or private (only invited members can join). If you would like to setup a group you can now do this directly by clicking on groups. Note only groups that fit with the themes of the site will be allowed and all groups needs to be approved be the site administrator. If a group is created and does not have significant activity then it may be deleted to prevent inactive groups from occupying space on the network. We would encourage you to keep using the features on the main site for most discussions. Groups are really for specialized discussions of conflict areas, subgroup pages for organizations or academic programs, etc.

12b) WHAT IS THE CHAT FEATURE? – We recently added an Improved CHAT FEATURE where you can connect directly with colleagues online. To engage in chat/instant message, click on the chat link here or in the bottom right hand corner. Make sure you click online if you want to connect with others (you can change your chat setting at anytime by clicking on offline). The chat box can be opened in a separate window by clicking in the chat box on the window to expand (it can also be minimized at any time). There are two types of chat/messaging. First, you can click on chat and engage in a general discussion with other users who are online. Note, the chat is usually visible to other colleagues and you’re urged to use respectful dialogue. Anyone posting offensive or inappropriate comments may have their account canceled. Second, if a user’s profile is currently live on chat, you can click on the user’s name and you will see a place to click on instant message and directly instant message with the selected user.

13) HOW DO I POST AN EVENT? We have recently added an events calendar to the site. To post an event click on events and fill out the necessary information. Once the event is created it will be visible on the site and it is possible to directly invite friends on the network. Events can be setup as private (only invited people can view the activity or public viewable by all). You can also choose to setup an RVSP function enabling people to respond directly via the site. It is also possible to close an event once it is full, change the settings at anytime by clicking on edit. Note, the system currently requires you to upload a picture (logo, image) when posting an event (using a jpeg file is best).

14) HOW CAN I ADD PHOTOS AND VIDEOS – You can add Photos/Videos directly from your computer by clicking in the appropriate link and following the steps. Note,
you can now link your account on this network to easily import and share photos from Flickr which is one of the most popular online photo sharing sites.

To add photos from Flickr to the PCDN network you will need to follow these steps:

1) Log into your PCDN Account
2) Click on Photos
3) Click on Add Photos
4) Click on Add Photos from Flickr (if you don’t have a flickr account you can create one during the process)
5) Link your account
6) Choose the photos you want to add


Since the PCDN network is an open site (indexed by Google), please make sure to only share photos that are not private in nature. However, you can choose to limit how your photos can be viewed in two ways on the network

MACRO Level: One is to click on settings, privacy and then set your photo, blog, videos button to viewable by anyone, just your friends on the network or just you (this for all of your upload items on the site).
MICRO LEVEL: You can adjust privacy settings for each individual photo by clicking on any of your photos, then click on edit and follow the links.

5) How do I Share Information on the Site – There are several ways to share resources posted on the site.

At the bottom of each posting there are links to Twitter or Facebook. You can now link your Facebook or Twitter Accounts to the Network and post links directly to the each site (You will need to login into your network). Note for Facebook, when you click to share a box will be displayed and you can click on the symbol next to publish to adjust if the info can be viewed by everyone, friends of friends, your friends, etc.
Towards the middle/bottom of each page (on the left side) is a share link. If you would like to forward information from a specific page to a colleague click on share and enter Note for an e-mail address (or you can import one) and a short message. You’re also encouraged to invite your colleagues to join the network by clicking on invite.
On the middle right side of each page you can also click on Add This to send resources to colleagues via email or link to about 20 different social networking sites. Towards the middle/bottom of each page (on the left side) is a share link. If you would like to forward information from a specific page to a colleague click on share and enter an e-mail address (or you can import one) and a short message. You’re also encouraged to invite your colleagues to join the network by clicking on invite.

16) HOW CAN I HELP THE SITE GROW? There are several things members can do to help the site grow which include:

    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Linkedin
    • Google+
  • Invite Your Colleagues to Join- You can invite your colleagues directly from the site by clicking on the Invite Page. Note you can also import your e-mail contact books directly from yahoo, Google, or your e-mail program such as Outlook, by clicking on invite and look towards the bottom of the page to click on webmail or Outlook importing.
  • Provide Suggestions for how to Improve the Site (new ideas, materials, etc.).
  • Add a Peace and Collaborative Development Badge to other Sites: Click here to get more information.
  • Create a Link on Other Websites – You are encouraged to add this page to recommended links on other sites. To create a link please use the following text

Free Professional and Academic Networking Site in Conflict Resolution, Peace Studies, Human Rights, International Development, Gender, Civil Society Development, and more

This is an invitation to join Peace and Collaborative Development Network ( , a new online initiative to bring together professionals, academics and students involved in Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, International Development, Democratization, Social Entrepreneurship and related fields.

The network fosters interaction between individuals and organizations around the world and currently has over 30,000 members. The site is a terrific networking tool where you can find local and international partners and practitioners, share resources (including scholarships in the field), guides to careers, scholarships, internships, funding, and IT resources in the field, and exchange best practices. Discussion topics and personal blogs can be posted. The site also has a video section where members can access and view videos related to the field.


Becoming a member is fast, easy and free. Please, take a minute to visit and explore the network.

17) WHAT HAPPENS IF I FORGET MY PASSWORD? Go to the sign in page and click the “Forgot Password?” link.

18) CAUTION ON PRIVACY AND MANAGING PRIVACY SETTINGS -PCDN is an open network indexed by Google to help us reach the broadest community possible. You can adjust your privacy settings at anytime by logging in and clicking My Settings and Privacy. You have the option of allowing everyone to see your postings (blogs, pictures, videos), or only your friends, or only yourself. You can also choose settings for each individual post you make. For example if you want your postings to be viewable by only your friends, choose that setting, but you can choose to set specific posting open to be viewable by the whole network. You can also control what type of e-mail updates you would like to receive (there is an option to receive no e-mails). Please note that the network is an open network meaning outsiders can currently view the comments you make on your wall and others make on your profile. Thus, it is strongly recommended not to provide very personal information on the comment walls (nor your personal contact information). If you want to provide a personal message to a member, click on his/her profile and click send a message which will only go to the individual. You can delete any comments on your wall by clicking on the X to remove the post. As highlighted above the network content is indexed by Google and other Internet Search Engines.

lf you set your profile to private or viewable by friends only, your name (or PCDN activity) may still show up in Google searches, but hopefully your profile will not be accessible via Google. While the network will try to ensure privacy settings are followed, we cannot make a 100% guarantee. Thus, any user with strong privacy or security concerns (such as individuals from a conflict country) is urged to use caution before posting anything personal and to make sure you adjust your privacy settings following the steps below.

TO Prevent Spam:

To minimize the chances for spam please ensure you do the following:

1) Never post your email address in your public profile.

2) If you do post your email address in a posting ensure that you write out the address in the following manner, (at) instead of using the @ sign. For example, a
sample address would be test(at)

3) If you want to communicate with individuals on the site, the best way to do this is
using the send message you can access on member profiles as this is way
to send messages internally via the network.

For additional suggestions on privacy settings see the following pages on the ning help pages
Answer Title: Can I set my profile to private?
Answer Link:

Answer Title: Who can see my photos?
Answer Link:

Answer Title: Who can see my videos?
Answer Link:

Answer Title: Can I control which of my activities appear in the Latest Activity feed?
Answer Link:

For additional tips and information, please see our Safety Page

19) HOW DO I REMOVE MYSELF FROM THE NETWORK? Login to the PCDN and click on My Settings. At the bottom of the page you will see a link entitled Leave Peace and Collaborative Development Network. Click on the link and your account and all the material you have posted will be removed.

20) CAN I POST FUNDING REQUESTS ON THE SITE? Unfortunately no. This site is for discussion and networking, sharing of resources. If individuals start posting requests for funding, the site would like be deluged by such requests. You’re welcome to discuss fundraising strategies but not individual appeals. Users who post funding requests may be banned from the site. The site does welcome any posting of scholarship and funding opportunities that may be of interest to members.

21) WHY IS THERE ADVERTISING ON THE SITE? The site has limited ads from relevant organizations and companies to help covers expenses. Please feel free to explore services provided by advertisers if you find them of interest by clicking on the appropriate ad. We try to ensure the ads are consistent with the site values, but if you see an inappropriate ad, please let us know. If you’re interested in exploring placing an AD on PCDN please see the About Advertising Page.

22) PLEASE SHARE YOUR SUCCESS STORES. For example if you made a new contact, research project, etc. it would be wonderful if you could share a brief summary of the experience. This will greatly aid in trying to track the “impact” of this site.You can contribute your feedback in the Forum Section.



We know that some days a fair number of emails are sent to site members. We do try to limit what we send, but given the significant amount of info posted on the site many members would miss opportunities if we didn’t send blast emails.

There are currently several options you can use to manage how you receive emails on the network (none of these are perfect and we hope that in the future to add additional options)

a) STOP RECEIVING EMAILS – If you are receiving too many emails one option is you can choose to stop receiving messages from the network. We don’t recommend this as this will likely mean missing many opportunities, but some people prefer this (or if you go on vacation this is a great option). To do this login into the network, click on settings and then email and then go to the bottom of the page and click on TURN OFF ALL EMAILS and then Save.


b) DIGEST MESSAGES – There is currently one digest option on the site.

PCDN/NING Digest – DIGEST MESSAGES – NING currently offers a very limited digest function that only sends a brief summary of postings on items you’re already following. For example if you have posted a forum discussion and other people have responded the digest will send you a summary of postings for a particular day. The digest DOES NOT PREVENT YOU FROM RECEIVING BLAST EMAILS OR PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF EVERYTHING POSTED OM A GIVEN DAY. Currently the only way to stop emails is turn off emails as outlined above. To sign up for Login, go to Settings and click on Email. At the top under email frequency select daily.

Hope this is helpful. We are hopeful that Ning (the platform that this site runs on) will develop additional options in the future.


The best way to stay informed on the network is to visit the page frequently, given the tremendous amount of information that is posted on a daily basis. There are several others means that you may find of use including the following:

  • TWITTER – You can now follow the network on TWITTER . In addition you can go the PCDN Twitter Account and click on the RSS feed to create a feed of key postings (not only some site postings are forwarded to Twitter).
  • FACEBOOK – You can also follow PCDN on our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE. Similar to Twitter, only select postings will be posted on Facebook, but we encourage you to link to the page and invite your colleagues.
  • LINKEDIN You can Follow PCDN on Linkedin. Only Select Postings will be posted on Linkedin, but there will also be some unique opportunities posted in this professional group.

25) Cross-Posting Material from PCDN – Individuals and organizations are welcome to cross-post material from PCDN on other networks, as long as the following is clearly listed:

This material is cross-posted from the Peace and Collaborative Development Network,

Anyone cross-posting materials should include this text. Individuals or orgs who do not do this may have their PCDN accounts cancelled.

26)PCDN Interviews – Starting in 2011, PCDN launched our interview series featuring leading practitioners and scholars conducting innovative work in peacebuilding, development and related sectors around the world. The interviews provide members with the opportunity to learn about practice, challenges, and key trends and interact with thought-leaders. For each interview, conducted by PCDN staff and interns, a number of questions are crowd-sourced by the membership of the network. PCDN also welcome suggestions for other interview candidates (we cannot respond to all emails)

Thanks again for supporting the network.

Dr. Craig Zelizer
Craig Zelizer, Ph.D., PCDN Founder and CEO & Associate Director, Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution, Department of Government, Georgetown University








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