One of the goals of this site is to offer useful resources. In this endeavor, I would like to see if some members might want to suggest their top 10-15 books in the conflict resolution and development fields (and/or the intersection of the two). This could be interesting to compare lists and see what are the most frequently recommend texts:
Here are some key texts (feel free to recommend more)
Anderlini, Sanam. (2007). Women Building Peace: What They Do, Why It Matters. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Anderson, Mary. (1999). Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace – Or War. Lynne Rienner
Avruch, Kevin. (1998). Culture and Conflict Resolution. United States Institute of Peace Press.
Bercovitch, Jacob and Jackson, Richard. (2009). Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-first Century
Principles, Methods, and Approaches. University of Michigan Press.
Bercovitch, Jacob (Ed.) (1996), Resolving International Conflicts: The Theory and Practice of Mediation, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Burton, John, (1990), Conflict: Resolution and Provention, London: Macmillan Press
Davies, John and Kaufman, Edy (Eds) (2002), Second Track / Citizens’ Diplomacy: Concepts and Techniques for Conflict Transformation, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield
Diamond, Louise and McDonald, John, (1996), Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace, Connecticut: Kumarian Press
Galtung, Johan. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. PRIO.
Kriesberg, Louis. (2006). Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution, 3rd Edition, Rowman and Littlefield
Lederach, J.P. and Jenner, J.M. (Eds) (2002) A Handbook of International Peacebuilding: Into The Eye Of The Storm. Jossey-Bass
Lederach, John Paul (2005) The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford University Press
Mitchell, Christopher R. (1981). The Structure of International Conflict.
Moghaddam, Fathali (2008). How Globalization Spurs Terrorism: The Lopsided Benefits of One World and Why That Fuels Violence. Praeger.
Paris, Roland. (2004). At War’s End. Building Peace after Civil Conflict. Cambridge, University Press.
Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T, and Miall, H. (2005). Contemporary Conflict Resolution. Blackwell Publishers.
Reychler, Luc and Paffenholz, Thania (Ed.s) (2001). Peacebuilding: A Field Guide, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Rubinstein, Robert. (2008). Peacekeeping under Fire: Culture and Intervention. Paradigm Publishers.
Van Tongeren, P, Brenk, M, Hellema, M., & Verhoeven, J. (Eds.) (2005) People Building Peace II. Successful Stories of Civil Society. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Zartman, William I. and Rasmussen, J. Lewis (Eds) (1997), Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods & Techniques, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press
Zelizer, Craig and Rubinstein, R. (Eds)(2009). Building Peace. Practical Reflections from the Field. Kumarian Press.
Zelizer, C. (Eds) (2013). Integrated Peacebuilding. Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict. Westview Press.