n this section, I will provide some of the key resources for obtaining funding for on the ground work. Please also take a look at the posting 12 Key Steps to Obtaining Funding for on the Ground Work which provides overall conceptual strategies.
Please note that we do not allow any requests for funding on this site as the network would be deluged.
Funding for peace and conflict work can come from a number of general resources, including self-generated funds, foundations, governments and inter-governmental organizations, and private sector. Obtaining funds for work can be challenging and thus it is critical to try and diversify funding streams. One of the more recent trends in funding has been the field of social-entreprenuership, which combines social change with business approaches, in which organizations often try to find means to generate their own funds. For example a non-profit engaged in community peacebuilding work, might try establishing a business and then use the profits from the business to reinvest in their community work. One of the best resources for learning about social entrepreneurship is the Skoll Foundation’s Social Edge site.
Also see the Guide to to Fundraising for Community Based Organizations from Women Thrive Worldwide.
Another trend in recent years has been funding sites that allow organizations to directly post their projects to the Internet to try and attract funding. While there are many of these sites, the most reliable sites provide some type of verification to ensure that postings are legitimate and regular reporting to donors.
Below find some key resources for funding. Feel free to suggest additional resources/tools.
21 Key Funding Sources
1) Key Internet Based Funding Sites – a href=”http://www.globalgiving.com”>Global Giving – is a marketplace for goodness – where you can browse ways to help others around the world, pick the ones you are most passionate about, and give to the solution. GlobalGiving works with experienced, respected nonprofit organizations to source high-quality international social, economic development, and environmental projects. Project Sponsors vouch for the projects they post on globalgiving.com, working with Project Leaders to ensure that projects meet high standards, are well run, etc. They do occasionally invite new organizations to submit projects.
Other Online Giving Sites include the following:
Kickstarter – People who use Kickstarter to fund their projects (“project creators”) keep 100% ownership and control. Currently only open to organizations in the US and by invitation (although this may change in the future)
TechSoup – Provides excellent resources and support for nonprofits regarding technology and guides for fundraising online.
Network for Good – Offers useful tips for how nonprofits can build their capacity to raise fund online.
2) Peace and Security Funders Group – is an association of private and public foundations, operating foundations, charitable trusts, grantmaking programs, and individual philanthropists who make grants or expenditures that contribute to peace and global security. Our purpose is to enhance the effectiveness of philanthropic activity across this broad area of shared interests and commitments. Note the group does not provide grants, but the individual members do. This a great resource to identify potential foundation support.
3) Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group – The Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group (AGAG) is a membership network of foundations that are currently funding in Africa or are interested in funding in Africa. AGAG was established as a forum for foundations to exchange information and work together in an effort to amplify current foundation funding and promote increased and more effective grantmaking in Africa to better address Africa’s development challenges. The Group does not provide direct funding, but the members organizations do provide support.
4) International Human Rights Funders Group is an association of grantmakers devoted to supporting efforts to achieve the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the treaties and laws it has generated so that all people may enjoy a truly and fully human existence. The group does not provide direct funding, but the member organizations do provide support.
5) FedGrants Grants.gov is your source to FIND and APPLY for federal government grants. You can sign up on the site to receive daily postings of new grant opportunities (particular for international funding USAID and DOS offer many relevant opportunities).
6) Global Giving – is a marketplace for goodness – where you can browse ways to help others around the world, pick the ones you are most passionate about, and give to the solution. GlobalGiving works with experienced, respected nonprofit organizations to source high-quality international social, economic development, and environmental projects. Project Sponsors vouch for the projects they post on globalgiving.com, working with Project Leaders to ensure that projects meet high standards, are well run, etc. They do occasionally invite new organizations to submit projects.
7) Funders Online in Europe is an initiative of the European Foundation Centre. The mission of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) is to promote and underpin the work of foundations and corporate funders in the New Europe. The Information and Communications programme of the EFC provides a public record and a public information service on foundations and corporate funders active in Europe.
8) The Foundation Center – The Foundation Center’s mission is to strengthen the nonprofit sector by advancing knowledge about U.S. philanthropy.
The is the nation’s (US) leading authority on philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them to tools they can use and information they can trust. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants — a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level.
9) Google Grants – supports organizations sharing our philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy, and the arts. Designed for 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, Google Grants is a unique in-kind advertising program. It harnesses the power of our flagship advertising product, Google AdWords, to non-profits seeking to inform and engage their constituents online. Google Grant recipients use their award of free AdWords advertising on Google.com to raise awareness and increase traffic. This can be a great way to increase your organization’s profile and bring people (and possibly donors) to your website.
10) Charity Channel – Funding Notice – Offers a weekly summary of a variety of new funding opportunities, including a number focused on international issues.
11) WOMEN’S FUNDING NETWORK – As a worldwide partnership of women’s funds, donors, and allies committed to social justice, the Women’s Funding Network seeks to ensure that women’s funds are recognized as the “investment of choice” for people who value the full participation of women and girls as key to strong, equitable, and sustainable communities and societies. The organization does not provide funding, but many of the member funds to offer support.
12) International Development Research Centre – is a Canadian organization that helps developing countries use science and technology to find practical, long-term solutions to the social, economic, and environmental problems they face. Our support is directed toward creating a local research community whose work will build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.
13) British Department for International Development – DFID works in partnership with a range of different organisations to ensure effective use of our development budget and to assist us in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These include multilateral institutions (such as the World Bank, European Community and UN agencies), developing country governments, civil society organisations and the research community. Although the greater part of our development assistance funding is channelled through multilateral agencies, direct budget support and larger scale programmes, there is still substantial support provided through a variety of other funds for smaller scale initiatives. These are aimed at promoting sustainable development and eliminating poverty.
14) Bi-Lateral and Multilateral Funding Agencies – Many of the leading donor countries development agencies offer grants and funding opportunities. The UN has put together a terrific list of these agencies.
15) UN Agencies and Trust Funds – Many UN Agencies provide funding for specific projects. For example see UNDP. In addition the UN maintains a number of trust funds that offer support in specific areas, such as democracy, violence prevention, human security and more.
16) National Endowment for Democracy Directory of International Funding – This database contains information on over 100 philanthropic organizations that provide funding, fellowships and awards for those working in the area of international democratic development.
17) Social Entrepreneur Organizations – There are many social entrepreneur organizations providing funding for innovative social change work around the world. Some of the leading organizations include The Skoll Foundation , and Echoing Green.
18) Leading International Foundations – There are a number of leading foundations that are potentially great sources of support. Many of these are listed in the Peace and Security Funders Group and/or some of the other networks listed on this page. Each funder has their own priorities and respective geographic focus. Several of the most prominent include:
The Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, The Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations (has foundations in over 40 countries), Rockefeller Brother’s Fund, MacArthur Foundation, Kellog Foundation
19) Local Funding Networks– Many countries and regions have their own respective funding networks and organizations. Thus you’re encouraged to search and find possible opportunities (and also post them on this site).
20) Embassies – Many international embassies located in developing countries might have small grants available for specific topic areas. Search embassy websites, ask your colleagues and look at local publications.
21) Businesses – Local and international businesses can also be another great source of support.
22) Diaspora Communities – Many diaspora communities have significant financial resources that can be accessed to provide support. Look up diaspora organizations, religious organizations, and more as they may be able to provide possible support.
23) FundsforNGOs.org is an online initiative, working for the sustainability of NGOs by increasing their access to donors, resources and skills. The site provides useful updates on funding opportunities and key donors.
24) National Endowment for Democracy – makes grants to organizations around the world. Also has an excellent Funding Source database of over 100 organizations that provide grants.
25) Check out some of the new online platforms for raising funds such as Kickstarter, GoodTwo, Deals for Deeds, DealGooder,Causeon, or Philanthroper.
What are some of your Suggestions of Key Resources?