Many individuals around the world are interested in doing graduate work in Peace and Conflict Resolution at the MA or Ph.D. level. This guide is focused solely on Ph.D. level programs. If you’re interested in MA level programs, please consult the MA guide.
Several colleagues at Eastern Mennonite University, in their Conflict Transformation Program have put together a list of Ph.D. programs related to peace and conflict resolution. Click on Download PeaceandconflictPhdPrograms.doc to download the list in a Word Document or see below. We would like to continue to build this list and thus would welcome suggestions of other Ph.D. programs in the world that have a strong focus on peace and conflict.
(adopted from the list assembled by Eastern Mennonite University)
Please note, the programs are not listed in any order of preference. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to thoroughly research each program before applying. Please feel free to suggest additional programs.
1. George Mason University, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Virginia – Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
2. Nova Southeastern University, Florida – Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
3. University of Denver, Colorado, Ph.D. in International Relations
4. American University, Washington, DC – Ph.D. in International Relations with a Concentration in International Peace and Conflict Resolution
5. Georgetown University, Washington, DC – Ph.D. in Government (can do International Relations Focus)
6. Simon Fraser University, British Columbia (Canada)- Ph.D. in Criminology with Restorative Justice Focus
7. Syracuse University, New York – Ph.D. in Public Administration; Links with Program on Analysis and Resolution of Conflict
8. Arizona State University, Arizona – Ph.D. in Justice Studies
9. University of Bradford, England – Ph.D. in Peace Studies
10. University of New England, Australia – Ph.D. in Peace Studies
11. Notre Dame University, Indiana, US – offers a Ph.D. in peace studies in partnership with Notre Dame’s departments of history, political science, psychology, and sociology.
12. University of Manitoba, Canada – Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies
13. Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppssala University, Sweden – Ph.D. Peace and Conflict Research
14. Fletcher School, Tufts University, Massachusetts, US – Ph.D. offers concentration in International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution as well as human security.
15. The National Centre for Peace And Conflict Studies, at the University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand is New Zealand’s first Centre to combine global cross-disciplinary expertise on the issues of development, peacebuilding and conflict transformation. It offers postgraduate programs at the Masters and PhD level.
16. Mahidol University, Thailand, Ph.D. Program in Human Rights and Peace Studies – as the only PhD in human rights and peace in Asia, this Programme offers its students the unique opportunity to engage in depth with these two important issues in the world today.
17. Kenessaw State University, Georgia, US, is now offering a Ph.D. in International Conflict Management.
18. Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain, Doctorate of International Studies in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies,
19. Bar-Ilan University – the Conflict Management, Resolution and Negotiation Graduate Program (In Hebrew, PhD), Israel.
20. Kent State University, PhD. In Political Science (with a concentration in Conflict Analysis and Management)
by Tolulope Ola-David
University of Ibadan,
Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies