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How Organizations/Employers Can Benefit from Using the Peace and Collaborative Development Network

Dear Colleagues,

Membership in the Peace and Collaborative Development Network is free and open to individuals and organizations. However, PCDN strongly urges you to consider a paid membership in order to help support the network (for more details see below or the support page). Posting jobs is free, but for organizations that are not paid members, we suggest an optional $75 payment or we do offer yearly employer packages.

In order to learn more about how to use the network see the Community Guidelines and also the Guide to Posting. If you’re interested in posting a job see # 8(Careers Below).

There are several ways that organizations can benefit from PCDN. However, please note we do not allow requests for fundraising on the site as the network would be deluged and there are many existing sites that provide this service (we do allow posting of opportunties). For relevant resources on fundraising see the GUIDES TO FUNDING.

1) Create a Profile Using Your Organizational Logo – Create an organizational profile this will encourage people to learn more about your work.

2) Post Relevant Information About Relevant Activities – Organizations are welcome to post general updates about events, publications, trainings, career opportunities, etc. Most postings are welcome, however ones that are purely of a commercial nature with no relationship to the goals of the site will be deleted (any spam activity will result in an account being banned).

3) Recruit Individuals for Opportunities – If your educational institution or organization has opportunities such as degree programs, trainings, fellowships, etc. PCDN encourages posting these in the relevant forum sections.  To post join the network and follow the guide to posting or send an email to info (at) with the posting in a text or Word format.

4) Advertise on PCDN – With more than 300,000 hits per month, over 100,000 unique visitors and over 31,000 registered members, PCDN is the ideal network to advertise job opportunities, events, courses, and other items related to peace, development, and international relations and more.  For more info visit the Advertise Info Page.

5) Start a Group – PCDN has over 400 groups on the network. Starting a group is a great way to mobilize people around a cause, find followers, or establish an alumni or organizational network for supporters. Groups can be open or closed to invited members only. To start a group and learn more go to the Groups Section on PCDN

6) Post Events – Relevant events can be added in the events or forum section.

7) Post Volunteer and Internship Opportunities – Organizations interested in recruiting volunteers can post openings. For more info click here

8) Post Career Opportunities and Find Top Talent – PCDN encourages posting of job and consulting openings.  Organizations can join the network and post directly (see the guide to posting) or send an email to info (at) with the posting in a text or word format.


Posting jobs is free, but for organizations that are not paid members, we do suggest an optional $75 payment or ideally a yearly membership (see below for more information. A payment can be made directly or PCDN can provide an invoice).

A paid posting includes the following:

  • Blast email send to all PCDN members with the opportunity
  • Posting on PCDN’s Linkedin and Twitter Accounts

We also offer bulk posting or yearly packages for organizations that want to maximize their recruitment opportunities. For more information contact us.

NOTE, we only permit posting of opportunities that fit the PCDN criteria, we reserve the right to not accept inappropriate postings. For more information contact info (at)

If you’re an organization seeking to hire someone, you can search through the member profiles for potential candidates. Anyone can perform a basic search. To do an advanced search, you need to be a member of the site, then click on members, advanced search (it is possible to search via keyword, area of expertise, years of experience, sectoral expertise, etc.) To contact potential candidates click on the members profile and send a message.

9)Why Should My Organization Consider a Paid Membership?
A paid organizational membership can benefit your organization in several ways.
1) Distribution of Job or other Relevant Postings – Paid organizational members are eligible to have up to 1 blast emails sent per month to to all PCDN members members and have up to 2 postings featured on our Twitter and Linkedin accounts each month.
2) Find Candidates on PCDN – Paid organizational members can search (by sector, geographic location, years of experience, etc.) PCDN can also provide guidance in identifying candidates.Employers can also access and search the PCDN Linkedin Group.
3) Featured Opportunity of the Month – Paid organizational members are eligible to have one position per month featured on PCDN’s home page (space permitting).
4) Technical Support – PCDN offers organizations support for how to best use the network through email and phone support (by appointment).
5) Help PCDN Grow –  Financial support helps to support and grow the PCDN network, one of the premier international affair networking sites in the world.

The rate for a yearly membership varies according to the size of the organization.
If you have questions about the rates for organizational memberships, would like to discuss customized options or for additional questions please contact PCDN at info(at)
Can you invoice me or my organization: Yes if you or your organization requires an invoice please contact us at info (at)

10) How Can I Connect with Individuals and Organizations – If your organization is looking to make connections with people in key sectors or locations, you can search through the membership database by keyword, country and sector. To do a search, click on the Advanced Member Search Option . If you would like to request that a new sectoral category be added to the search function please let us know.

There are many additional ways for organizations to benefit from the site. This is intended to provide some key suggestions. Feel free to ask questions and/or add additional ideas.



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