Dear Colleagues
There are a number of ways you can help support the PCDN network as outlined below.
1. Become a Paying Member – The PCDN network has helped impact thousands of individuals and organizations around the world to help connect, inspire, provide sources of funding, scholarships, training and much more. To date out of our 33,100 members around the world, only 900 (which is less than 2.7%) have contributed to the network). While we are grateful for all of the payments to date, to sustain our work we rely on your support and would like to increase member support to at least 40% of the entire membership. We are now asking you to consider paying what you can in any amount ranging from $1 and up. For more details see the Support Page.
2. Considering Placing an Ad on PCDN – To date advertisers on PCDN include leading universities and organizations from around the world including Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, University of Edinburgh, Rotary International, United States Institute of Peace, Brandies University, TechChange and many others. Advertisers are reporting 10%-100% (or greater) increase in their web traffic through PCDN Ads which results in new clients, students, etc. For more info see the advertising page.
3. INVITE Your Colleagues to Join and Follow us on Other Platforms – Click on the Invite Link to directly invite your colleagues to join the network (you can upload your contacts directly).
Follow Us on:
- TWITTER – You can now follow the network on TWITTER . In addition you can go the PCDN Twitter Account and click on the RSS feed to create a feed of key postings (not only some site postings are forwarded to Twitter). We have over 9,000 followers on Twitter.
- FACEBOOK – You can also follow PCDN on our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE. Similar to Twitter, only select postings will be posted on Facebook, but we encourage you to link to the page and invite your colleagues. We have over 9,000 followers on Facebook.
- LINKEDIN You can Follow PCDN on Linkedin. Only Select Postings will be posted on Linkedin, but there will also be some unique opportunities posted in this professional group. We have nearly 2,000 members on the PCDN group.
- Google+ – We have recently created a PCDN Google+Page where we will feature Video Chats and other new initiatives.
4. Check out the Relevant Resources– This site is sponsored in part by advertising. If you see an ad that interests you please check out their services by clicking on the ad. If you see an inappropriate ad please let us know and we will remove it.
5. Provide Feedback on How you Have Benefited from the Site– We are trying to keep track of some of the benefits/impacts that members have. Please share your stories here.
6. Add Relevant Content – Feel free to add blog, photos, start a discussion, add documents, etc. We are also especially open to individuals/organizations who might want to explore developing a resource guide about a key aspect of the field. See the current Resource Guide List to see what already exists and come up with ideas about new topics/gaps that can be addressed.
7. Suggest New Ways to Promote and/or Develop the Site – Feel free to add your suggestions of ways to improve the site, new features you would like to see, etc.
8. Keep the Creative Ideas and Suggestions Coming – If you have an idea how to raise the profile of the network, attract new members, content feel free offer innovative and creative thoughts.