Dear Colleagues
I frequently receive inquiries regarding what are the best methods for finding teaching jobs related to peace and conflict resolution. Below please find some suggestions and please feel free to add others.
1) Explore individual University Web Pages – Most universities post their openings on websites.
2) Top Sites for Academic Jobs
- PCDN Job List – PCDN features many academic postings on its job forums. In addition see the scholarships forumfor numerous post-doc opportunities.
- Chronicle of Higher Education – One of the leading sites on higher education news, policy and jobs in the US (and some international postings). You can sign up to receive (for free) customized e-mails and also search through job postings.
- Mind and Life Institute Job Board – contains current job listings for academic positions in the fields of contemplative science or contemplative studie
- Inside Higher Education- Another leading site on higher education news, policy, etc. You can sign up for customized (free) emails and search through postings.
- H-Net – The Job Guide posts academic position announcements in History and the Humanities, and the Social Sciences.
- Jobs in Research, Science, Academic and Related Professions – Offers extensive postings of academic positions in the United Kingdom
- National Association for International Education Career Center – Lists positions (sometimes in teaching and/or policy) related to international educational exchange.
- Political Science Jobs – Features fellowships, grants, researcher and teaching positions in political and social sciences around the globe.
- Times Higher Education Supplement Lists academic positions in the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
- The Guardian Newspaper – Print version is the largest academic job listing place in the UK. Also lists jobs in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and several countries in Europe.
3) Professional Academic Associations – There are many excellent academic associations that also maintain job postings for their members. All sponsor annual conferences, which can be a great way to network and stay informed of current and future openings. A number of jobs within a specific discipline might have a conflict or peace related focus. All also maintain job boards (some require a membership or subscription to view postings while others you can view for free).
- American Political Science Association
- American Sociological Association
- American Anthropology Association
- International Association for Conflict Management – Offers some job postings and other announcements on their site.
- International Studies Association – Offers a job board with academic posting in international relations, politics, conflict studies around the world.
- Peace and Justice Studies Association – Job board (public) and listserv (members only) – Offers a members only list with some academic job postings in the field (primarily US based) and a public job board.
4) Other Job Sites or Meta Sites – There are a number of indexes of job sites in academia that can be useful including:
- Higher Education Jobs
- Indeed- A wonderful meta job site that allows users to create custom searches for positions, receive regular updates and also has an iPhone app.
- Academic 360 – is a meta-collection of Internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter.
5) Additional Resources – What are some additional academic job hunting resources that you find useful?